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Liegeräder & Dreiräder für Erwachsene

Liegerad Zubehör

HP Mudguard SKS 26" / 53mm rear with spoiler for SMGTe, SPM, black
Mudguard SKS 26" / 53mm rear with spoiler for SMGTe, SPM, Black, 2 stainless steel underrun struts

Azub "Dream Seat" comfort mesh seat L incl. hardware
Azub "Dream Seat" comfort mesh seat L incl. hardwareAzub's most comfortable seat in a large version.The new ultra-comfortable mesh for the trike seats.Azub has worked on it for about a year and a half, optimizing every single detail.From the important details like the ventilation channels, the thickness of the padding or the overall shape to the small details like the size of the red logo on the front, the shape of the reflectors on the back, the size of the pockets or the color and type of stitching. The size L is best suited to the vast majority of riders over 170 cm tall.

Azub "Dream Seat" comfort mesh seat M incl. hardware
Azub "Dream Seat" Comfort Mesh Seat M incl. hardwareAzub's most comfortable seat in a medium version.The new ultra-comfortable mesh for trikes. Azub worked on it for about a year and a half, optimizing every single detail.From the important details like the ventilation channels, the thickness of the padding or the overall shape to the small details like the size of the red logo on the front, the shape of the reflectors on the back, the size of the pocket or the color and type of stitching.The size M seat is best suited for riders up to 170 cm tall. It is 50mm shorter and 25mm narrower than the size L seat.

Azub "Dream Seat" comfort mesh seat XL incl. hardware
Azub "Dream Seat" Comfort Mesh Seat XL incl. hardwareAzub's most comfortable seat in a medium version.The new ultra-comfortable mesh for trikes. Azub worked on it for about a year and a half, optimizing every single detail.From the important details like the ventilation channels, the thickness of the padding or the overall shape to the small details like the size of the red logo on the front, the shape of the reflectors on the back, the size of the pocket or the color and type of stitching.The largest seat is based on the design of the size L seat, but is 5 cm wider than the size L.The seat section is also 5 cm longer.This means that the seat sits 6 cm higher than our standard size L when mounted, making it easier to get on and off the trike.Accordingly, the handlebars are also wider to ensure good maneuverability.The size XL is therefore recommended for riders with wider hips.

Azub "Ventist Trike Classic" seat cushion L 85x35
Azub "Ventist Trike Classic" seat cushion L 85x35Additional comfort in a weatherproof and well-ventilated package . An additional seat cushion that increases the seating comfort on our mesh cushion. We recommend it if you are looking for good comfort but also very good breathability. It is also well suited for long distance riders.

Azub "Ventist Trike Classic" seat cushion M 35x80
Azub "Ventist Trike Classic" seat cushion M 35x80 Extra comfort in a weatherproof and well ventilated package. An additional seat cushion that increases seating comfort on our mesh cushion increased. We recommend it if you are looking for good comfort, but also but also very good breathability. It is also well suited for long distance suitable.

Azub "Ventist Trike Classic" seat cushion XL 90x40
Azub "Ventist Trike Classic" Seat Pad XL 90x40Additionalcomfort in a weatherproof and well ventilated package. An additional seat cushion that increases the seating comfort on our mesh cushion. We recommend it if you are looking for good comfort but also very good breathability. It is also well suited for long distance riders.

Azub basic luggage carrier
Base carrier Aluminum base carrier for Azub T-Tris 20". Small design so that you can easily fold the trike with the carrier. Maximum load: 25 kg

Azub bike computer holder
Bike computer holder

Azub Bike Rack
Bike Rack - Bicycle carrier Proven rack design that has been part of the AZUB since the beginning.The connection of the rack to the main frame tube gives it perfect stability and an excellent load capacity of up to 25 kg. A good solution for a pair of classic panniers like the ORTLIEB Back-Rollers. Maximum load: 25 kg Suitable for the following trikes: Azub Mini, Azub Six, Azub Max 26, Azub Max 700, Azub Twin

Azub bracket for front light
Holder for front light Perfect place for your front light or other lighting accessories.- adjustable arm- lightweight and rustproof aluminum construction- adjustable aluminum bar

Azub carbon seat L 175-200cm
Azub carbon seat L 175-200 cm

Azub carbon seat M 165-180cm
Azub carbon seat M 165-180cm

Azub carbon seat S 150-170cm
Azub carbon seat S 150-170cm

Azub composite seat L 175-200 cm
Azub composite seat L 175-200 cm

Azub Composite seat M 165-180cm
Azub Composite seat M 165-180 cm

Azub Composite seat S 150-170cm
Azub Composite seat S 150-170 cm

Azub Computer sensor holder
Computer sensor holder The actual Cyklus computer is mounted on the Multi holder, but the sensor is attached here

Azub double luggage carrier
Double pannier rack A sophisticated rack on which you can hang two pairs of classic panniers or special recumbent panniers from Radical Design. For classic panniers, you need to choose a combination of front and rear panniers. For example: Sport and Back Roller from ORTLIEB. Maximum load: 30 kg Suitable for the following trikes: Tricon & Ti-Fly 20"

Azub expedition luggage carrier
Expedition pannier rack Additional luggage rack for the Azub bikes that allows you to equip your bike with up to two pairs (front + rear) of classic panniers and one top pannier. We recommend placing the larger rear bags on the Expedition Rack and the smaller ones on the Bike Rack so that the heavier and larger items are close to the ground, which significantly improves the stability of your bike. Maximum load: 15 kg Suitable for the following trikes: Azub Six, Max and Mini

Azub FAT luggage carrier
FAT Rack Maximum load: 30 kg

Azub headrest for bucket seats
Azub headrest for bucket seats A headrest is a rather unusual bike accessory, but it transforms your recumbent into a truly luxurious vehicle. Riders who prefer a more upright seat may not need it so much, but those who like to lean back a little will certainly appreciate it. The headrest is adjustable in both height and angle and has a reflective strip on both sides to increase safety.

Azub headrest for mesh seats
Azub headrest for mesh seats A headrest is a rather unusual bike accessory, but it transforms your recumbent into a truly luxurious vehicle. Riders who prefer a more upright seat may not need it so much, but those who like to lean back a little will certainly appreciate it. The headrest is adjustable in both height and angle and has a reflective strip on both sides to increase safety.

Azub high seat adapter from 2018
High seat adapter for Azub trike, from 2018 (incl. long struts) For mesh seats from 2018 (M, L, XL)


Willkommen bei trike-x-press!

Seit 2017 steht die xplorcycles GmbH & Co. KG mit ihrer Marke trike-x-press für ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in der Welt der Liegeräder und Dreiräder für Erwachsene. Wir sind Dein Ansprechpartner, wenn es um innovative Mobilitätslösungen geht, die perfekt auf Deine individuellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind.

Unsere Mission Wir möchten Deine Mobilität und Eigenständigkeit fördern. Unser Ziel ist es, dass Du genau das Liegerad oder Dreirad für Erwachsene findest, das optimal zu Dir passt. Deshalb legen wir größten Wert auf persönliche Beratung. Bei uns kannst Du eine breite Auswahl an Liegerädern und Dreirädern für Erwachsene sowie verschiedenen Marken vor Ort erleben und ausgiebig testen. Denn wir sind davon überzeugt: Nur wer probiert, findet das perfekte Rad.

Unsere Werte Deine Zufriedenheit steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Wir nehmen uns die Zeit, zuzuhören und auf Deine Wünsche einzugehen. Unsere Kundennähe und der persönliche Austausch sind der Schlüssel, um Dir die beste Lösung zu bieten.

Unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen Wir bieten Dir eine exklusive Auswahl an Liegerädern und Dreirädern für Erwachsene der Marken AnthroTech, Azub, Hase Bikes, HP Velotechnik, ICE und TrikExplor. Neben dem Verkauf sorgt unser Werkstattservice dafür, dass Dein Liegerad oder Dreirad immer in Topform bleibt.

Darüber hinaus findest Du bei uns gängiges Zubehör und Ersatzteile von BikeFlags, Bosch, KMC, Ortlieb, Pinion, Rohloff, Schwalbe, Shimano, SKS, Tektro und Trionic.

Für wen wir da sind Egal, ob Du die Freude am Radfahren neu entdecken willst, im Alter weiterhin mobil bleiben möchtest oder spezielle Bedürfnisse hast – bei uns bist Du genau richtig. Unsere Liegeräder und Dreiräder für Erwachsene bieten eine individuelle und komfortable Lösung für alle, die das Besondere suchen.

Unsere Vision Wir wollen die größte Auswahl an Liegerädern, Dreirädern für Erwachsene und Marken bieten – und das direkt vor Ort. So ermöglichen wir Dir eine umfassende Beratung und ausgiebige Probefahrten. Unser Ziel ist es, unser Angebot kontinuierlich auszubauen, um Dir die bestmögliche Auswahl und Qualität zu bieten.

Besuche uns und entdecke die Welt der Liegeräder und Dreiräder für Erwachsene! Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich auf Deinem Weg zu Deinem perfekten Liegerad oder Dreirad zu begleiten.